5V 2 two Channel SSR G3MB-202P Solid State Relay Module For Arduino ARM DSP PIC DH
- Operating Voltage: 5V
- Operating Current: 12.5mA
- Maximum Load: 2A @ 240VAC
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- A Solid State Relay is similar to mechanic relay where it can be controlled through a digital signal.
- Solid State Relay generate no noise, and has a much longer life span in compared to the traditional mechanic relay.
- This relay board is based on the Omron G3MB SSR relay which can control up to 2A at 240VAC.
- This is a 2 Channel SSR relay module, each relay channel has 3 separate teminals, NO (Normal Open), COM (Common), NC (Normal Closed).
- When the input logic voltage is applied to the coil, the NC will disconnect from the COM breaking the conductivity between the two.
- At the same time the NO will connect with the COM allowing conductivity between them.
- Depending on your wiring this will turn on or off the connected load.
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